a complaint

We will investigate complaints in a confidential and respectful manner, agreeing with the customer how they will be kept informed throughout the process.

Wherever possible, we will seek to resolve complaints informally to achieve a swift and satisfactory outcome for the customer. We will always offer the customer a choice over whether they want an informal response to put things right quickly, or they choose to request a formal complaint investigation through our internal process.

We take complaints very seriously and ensure that lessons learnt via the complaints process are used to improve our services.  Our complaints policy and approach will always comply with the requirements of the Housing Ombudsman and the Regulator of Social Housing.

To make a complaint?

A reference number will be supplied so always keep this handy as it will help us to locate your issue each time we speak.

What is a complaint 

We regard a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service, actions or lack of action by the organisation, its own staff, or those acting on its behalf, affecting an individual resident or group of residents.

Exclusion grounds 

We may not consider an expression of dissatisfaction under this policy if the issue:

  • occurred more than 6 months ago.
  • is being raised with us for the first time.
  • has already been considered under this policy.
  • is a complaint about another resident.
  • is subject to legal action.
  • relates to an insurance claim.

If we do not accept a complaint, we will explain the reason for our decision (and how we propose to address the customer’s concerns) and inform the customer that they have the right to take that decision to the Housing Ombudsman.

Learning from complaints

We are committed to learning from complaints and to establish a positive complaint handling culture.

We will ensure that a complaints officer is appointed. All employees understand our expectations and our senior management team continually review themes and trends to enable service improvements to be identified and delivered. We will ensure that our Board appoints one of its members to have lead responsibility for complaints and the Board will receive regular updates so that the complaints handling performance is fully understood. We will publish a  summary of complaints raised, along with the lessons learnt, in our annual report and via our engagement with customers.

Please see the link to the complaints department of the Housing Ombudsman.